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Are you fucking k i d d i n g me. My dad’s really gonna guilt me into coming with my brother to his house and we don’t have food except for butter chicken? I fucking despise butter chicken with a passion and I’ve expressed this. I’m so pissed that there’s literally nothing to eat. We probably don’t have food bc my brother’s fatass keeps eating it. How come I eat one thing and gain like 10 pounds but that bitch eats all of the food in the house and weighs less than me? He’s 3 years older than me. This is complete and utter bs. I’m literally so fucking pissed. I haven’t eaten in 2 days. 2. Days. Because there’s nothing I like at EITHER houses. My brother eats all the good stuff. I’m sick of this. He can eat shit that I bought for ME because I like it but the second I eat something that’s for whoever gets to it I get the shit beat out of me? I’m so done. I tell my dad I don’t like certain stuff because I’m picky. It’s never really about taste rather than texture. The only stuff I really like is crab, pasta, plain jasmine rice, ice cream, sandwiches, and pancakes. All of which I usually make myself but ya know who actually eats it? MY BROTHER. And that’s just the semi-unhealthy stuff. So I’m stuck with black bean flavored chips and black bean dip. I am beyond pissed. I also really enjoy most veggies except for corn and squash. The ONLY veggies we have are CORN and SQUASH. I am going to commit straight ARSON. Sorry for that rant but I’m extremely pissed that we don’t have food when we went shopping like 3 days ago.