
That fandom might be the worst fandom I ever interacted with, I swear they're all losers


"Re-read the fandom etiquette"
          Oh how funny-
          Because for me the fandom etiquette was already inexistent after she was gone. 
          She was gone forever. 
          I can't even tell her how I feel grateful to her, adoring her, since the only one she saw is the people who disrespect her works. It was too late even for me. 
          People who asking her for something outside her comfort zones, when her arts is the only way she can heals herself. 
          People who created a hate train against her by twisting her words. 
          And these people, never understand how they literally killed someone and just said "served her right" even she already ask for forgiveness when she already in her breakdown again. She nearly killed herself again-
          Yet they can actually choose to block and not interacted with her at all but choose to bullying her restlessly. Even making a certain community just to bully her, spreading the continues hate train to people who knew nothing about her. 
          Congrats for killing someone, I guess. 


The fact I keep denied my love towards him but in the same time confessed that I love him several time and keep getting rejected, and I scared that if I keep loving him.. It would give him burden as how people around me thinks that I'm the burden in their life... 
          But God.. I still love him.. It's already 10 years.. But I still love him even I want to denied it.