
https://justsqueakingby.wordpress.com/ okay so I now have two posts up on the blog, so go check it out! I changed websites this afternoon, so now if you follow it, you will then be able to be notified when I post. Thank you guys!


Sooooo . . . Hello guys, I am deeply disappointed that I haven't written anything lately. I actually have some news, I have started my very own blog, maybe I will actually write on there, maybe just maybe. I feel almost trapped when I decide to write stories on here, because at that moment, it seems great but then, my path changes, I change, and then the story really loses its great potential. At least that's how I see it. BUT, on this blog, I can really express myself. I can write and not worry about getting trapped in the story as it slowly falls apart because I didn't prepare myself for it. So, on this blog, I will be writing stories that may have happened to me, maybe reviews of something, beliefs I have, and such. Maybe even short stories?? I really feel like I can actually do this finally. I can actually write and express it all. So yeah, that's my news! If you do want to check it out, its www.justsqueakingby.weebly.com Thank you guys! ~ Sara


It's actually justsqeakingby.wordpress.com check it out!


So remember when I told you guys how I would be posting a lot more often, I wish that was true. I have these weekend annotations that take over my life every weekend. All I do is basically just annotate these papers and find 15+ literary devices, not the ideal thought of how to spend my weekends. Still, I am going to try  my best to keep updating A Blast From the Past, as I said in it, I am really excited to write it, I just hope I can!


So, I was tagged and threatened by @awkwardhomeschooler to do a question thingy and so I will do that here because I don't really know where else to do it so yeah! 
          1. Nicknames: I don't really get called nicknames that much, but one of my friends always calls me Muddy. I have many opportunities for nicknames though. 
          2. Eye color: I have some blue eyes
          3. Hair color:  I have brown hair, with really faded red tips but I am going to count them.
          4. Fact: I play violin and I really REALLY want to play ukulele 
          5. Favorite color: light purple and teal
          6. Favorite place: my bed, or my grandparents house down in the rural area. Or nights at my summer camp. 
          7. Favorite Celebrity: Ahhhhh I don't know? I'm really bad at coming up with people. Let's just say Connor Franta? Suuuuurreeee 
          8. Favorite animal: TEACUP PIGS BY FAR
          9. Favorite song: I have lately been obsessed with Hello, my old heart by the Oh Hellos, but I never can actually choose. This is a first.
          10. Favorite Book: Probably Paper Towns 
          I don't really know anyone to tag on here?


            Grace, I tag you to do this! Haha I do have someone to tag!