
Hello everybody!
          	I have another general update for you. There is a new book called The Protagonists up here. I hope you like it. I'm trying to experiment with adding some comedy to my writing while still hitting you with the gut-wrenchers. 
          	Up next is the sequel to 36 entitled 72. I just started it and I'm carrying on with that attempt at comedy. I hope to have it finished by the end of February. 
          	After that I have two more novels but I am not sure which order I will write them in. One is a modern-day Canterbury Tales, the other is a memoir of my senior project.
          	Speaking of my senior project, I am doing it on the dress code and there is a link to a survey on my profile page. No matter what your opinion on the matter is, I value it and I would love it if you took the survey. Any questions, concerns, jokes, links, or advice is welcome.
          	I also have three novellas that are at different stages. I hope to get those done soon; they've been nagging me for a while.
          	After all of that is completed, I will write the third and final book after 36 and 72 entitle 12 Squared.
          	Thank you everyone for stopping by and stay classy (I've been watching a lot of Anchorman lately)


Hello everybody!
          I have another general update for you. There is a new book called The Protagonists up here. I hope you like it. I'm trying to experiment with adding some comedy to my writing while still hitting you with the gut-wrenchers. 
          Up next is the sequel to 36 entitled 72. I just started it and I'm carrying on with that attempt at comedy. I hope to have it finished by the end of February. 
          After that I have two more novels but I am not sure which order I will write them in. One is a modern-day Canterbury Tales, the other is a memoir of my senior project.
          Speaking of my senior project, I am doing it on the dress code and there is a link to a survey on my profile page. No matter what your opinion on the matter is, I value it and I would love it if you took the survey. Any questions, concerns, jokes, links, or advice is welcome.
          I also have three novellas that are at different stages. I hope to get those done soon; they've been nagging me for a while.
          After all of that is completed, I will write the third and final book after 36 and 72 entitle 12 Squared.
          Thank you everyone for stopping by and stay classy (I've been watching a lot of Anchorman lately)


General Update
          I just finished writing Part I of a book and I will be starting Part II asap. Part II will be much shorter.  Then I will edit them and publish them.  The link will be posted on tumblr if you don't want to keep checking this page (just follow iampillowbunny707.tumblr.com).
          I am mostly caught up on short stories but I'm sure I'll knock more out in the meantime. 
          After this book, I will be writing the two sequels to 36. You heard that right: TWO.  Then maybe more ideas will float my way.
          Until then, thank you for listening and reading. You are all amazing. Every last one of you.


Just when school gets a little insane with the workload, I have a dream and claw possibly the greatest book idea I've ever had out of it.  So, some other projects I'm working on (including the sequel for 36 that I am now committed to eventually write) might have to take a backseat until I balance everything out.
          Until then, I submitted "The Issues with Homework" to a scholastic writing competition. My head is still swirling with the fact that 36 has over 1,000 reads, and I'm steadily watching my other works rise as well. I'm also dedicating a lot of time to college searches. I'll also be posting two new additions to the "Living Dreams" compilation sometime this weekend.
          So, I just wanted to update you on where I am with everything and let you know that another book has been added to my plate, along with plans for the 36 sequel, two books I'm co-writing with two different amazing writers, another fledgling novel, and a novella that's currently longer than a novella and I'm only halfway done. The title of the new book is 'This is not our World," circling around the Serbian proverb "Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars."
          In the meantime, please continue supporting me. I want to be a writer when I grow up. This is what makes me happy. You're all amazing!


Update: I have changed the title of the new book from 'This is not our World' to 'Mutt.' I have also just made the most glorious cover for it. I spent all of the time I had yesterday to making the book as intricate and as interesting as possible, working mainly with the plot and the more supernatural concepts and seeing how that adds to the book's purpose. My goal is to have the first draft done within a month.
            Stay Classy


Hello ladies and gentlemen!
          I just wanted to let everyone know that my book 36 has finally reached 1,000 reads. I am so happy. I don't even know what to say. This wasn't something I was planning on for this book but thank you for all of your support. Your reads, votes, and especially your comments have meant the world to me. Thank you so much! I'll keep you posted for the possible sequel


Hello ladies and gentlemen,
          Coming from the wonderful world of my bed in the depths of sickness on a laptop that is burning me, comes some shocking but hopefully pleasing news involving my most successful novel 36.
          I hope you've all seen the epilogue that was recently posted. I am again sorry that took so long. Also, I've made a new cover for 36 (and for a few other works).
          However, a lot of you upon finishing the novel asked if there would be a sequel. I was quite definite in saying no because I didn't really see the need in one. I also have a problem with sequels because more times than not they've ruined the first book.
          Here's where it gets interesting. I was thinking about it and now there just might be a sequel, or rather a "sort-of-sequel." The characters and setting won't be used. The sequel would address the more realistic problems seen in the American school system on a national level, not just one school on an extreme level. It would be nonfiction and will require a lot of research, something that perhaps you could help me out with if you go to a school in the States.
          The only thing is: don't expect to see this book now or even soon. It is going to take a lot of research and time, which I don't necessarily have a lot of. In the meantime, please continue to support my works. For every read, vote, comment, my self-confidence gets boosted 293847635%
          Lastly, the sequel will be called 72 (36X2=72) unless I find something that fits better.
          Thank you!


Ladies and Gentlemen,
          I think it's about time I let everyone know what I've been doing writing wise recently. So here we go.
          I've been stalling for months now but I've finally written and posted the epilogue for 36. I know so many people have been asking for it and I apologize for keeping them waiting. There will definitely not be a sequel. I don't see the need for one but I would like to again thank everyone who has read, commented and voted, especially those who left their thoughts. You people are awesome and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
          I am working on two books with two different incredible writers. One of them is the fabulous @ladylola84. I promise they will both be fiercely entertaining.
          I'm slowly beginning to give up on Confine and Confide. I'm trying to see what can be salvaged. I've mentioned it before but the problem is about what to do about its accompanying short stories published under To Be Brilliant and Insane. We'll see.
          I'm working on a novella (about the same length at A Singer's Battle Cry") about a girl's life as a fugitive. It's coming along.
          So Help You God will be transformed into a book, or rather, a series of short stories that form a book. The story posted under Some of My Living Dreams will serve as the prologue and I will start posting the short stories as soon as I write them. I am doing them for a creative writing class and I'm really excited about it.
          I'm probably going to remove Don't Leave Me Like This. I can't see myself writing in it again.
          Some music to check out: Meg Myers, Birdy, The Lumineers, Breaking Benjamin (highly recommended by @Caitred)
          TV: Faceoff, X-Files
          Have a magical, peachy, dandy day!


Message for the day
          Today at school the vice principal was standing at the door to the cafeteria watching everyone come in and out, making sure students were following the dress code. The rule for shorts is that they must go past the tips of your fingers. When he saw me he stopped me and told me to change
          1) The purpose of the dress code is so that no one is distracted by what people are wearing. I was told to change into gym shorts which clashed with my top and made me look and feel lazy which distracted me and affected my work. Such distraction would not have taken place had I not changed my shorts
          2) Every day everyone wears shorts and skirts that are too short (particularly the pretty/popular girls) and they get away with it. I have a great group of friends. We're real and we care about each other which I prefer over being cool. But it's students of our "coolness" who have been caught for violating dress code the most (most of the time for longer or just as short shorts as others). The sluts are wearing shirts that expose their chests and abdomens which the handbook prohibits and no one bats an eye
          3) I have never seen a guy get dress coded for wearing shorts under his booty or for taking off his shirt at a sports practice, exposing EVERYTHING.
          4) The shorts that are given to athletes violate the dress code.
          5) The rule should not be about shorts reaching past the tips of one's fingers. It should be about whether or not this outfit is distracting. By checking finger lengths the school is giving the impression that they mean to quickly herd students into the office for a violation.
          6) I feel sick thinking a teacher stared at my booty
          Main message: teachers, be consistent and fair. Students, dress so you feel comfortable and confident. I don't believe in the term "school appropriate," Ask yourself: does this outfit reflect who I am? Not is this appropriate. And don't be afraid to contradict them and point out flaws in the system, just be mature about it.


Listen up, ladies and gentlemen,
          I don't mean to sound abrupt but I am deeply upset about the hurtful comment that has been posted on my message board. It is inappropriate and uncalled for. They are better ways to express anger at someone rather than corrupting a website and causing pain and frustration. There is nothing that can justify such cowardly and inappropriate language. Everyone has better use of their time than to sit around and attempt to intimidate a person. And this website was not created for abuse like this.
          I am still trying to piece together what possibly could have sparked this. But whether it was out of hatred, jealousy, intimidation, blind anger, etc., there is absolutely no justification for it.
          I am not sure exactly who the person is, I've heard a name get thrown out but I am a little bit skeptical. To the person who wrote this, I would be willing to apologize if I knew what I did. But if you're going to be immature enough to do this then perhaps an adult apology would be a waste of time. You have been reported and if you don't care about the consequences then trust me, you will. Cyber bullying is a very serious crime and will not go unnoticed. Whatever trauma you intended to cause here will not happen because your "victims" have better things to do than to worry about someone trying to hurt them.
          I'll end this by saying we all have our mountains to climb. Some people stress about things more than others. I myself am having trouble with school and it's only been the first day. There will be people who have it better and people who have it worse. Be kind to others because everyone has an open wound that they're trying to patch up. We all make mistakes and you can't just judge someone because they sin differently than you. Being a young adult means that we must grow, not shrink back into the shells of our childhood where saying something stupid and mean leads to little backlash. Remember who you hurt because they will surely remember you.