
I will seriously try to write once a week from here on out. Always willing to hear suggestions though!


          Dude, get off her back. Fan-fiction is fiction made by the fans. It doesn't have to fit the original 100 percent. It's what her thoughts are. If she wants to change something, she can change something. If you aren't going to say nice things, don't bother saying them at all.


I'm sorry that everyone's discouraging you but I think that you should at least make a few minor changes to get the actual facts straight even if it is a whole different kind of book and the characters have changed their ways if you know what I mean...


Heya just read your Rangers daughter and love the idea - i think having a girl ranger is awesome! but i just have a few things to point out if you don't mind. Please don't be offended (seriously cos I just wanna help) but I think you need to work on getting details right. Three things stand out for me, learn what horse colours are - having ridden all my life your description of Sadie made me sort of cringe (sorry but its true) - a bay horse is a brown horse with a black mane and tail and black going to half way up is legs (unless it has socks or stockings), so saying her mane and tail are black then saying her coat is bay doesn't make sense - instead describe the type of brown - is it reddish or deep and dark or is it lighter... that sort of thing. ok that was the first and longest thing. 2. i don't think she will live long if she trips over her feet all the time - rangers need to be silent and unnoticeable right? and last but not least the Rangers are a sort of secretive organisation right? I really don't think they would have any of their apprentices preform in public... just a thought.
          Anywayz hope it helps and I real do like the idea you have and look forward to reading more! (oh also Halt shouldn't be bossed around so easy and Claire should be always asking why and how and stuff). Thanks - hope thats helpful.