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been watching a lot of shows. reading a lot. listening to a lot of new music. i can't remember the last time i read anything on here. ao3 my love <333. i'll have to admit, it almost feels nostalgic revisiting this website. anyways i might be back soon, at least to socialize a bit. until then, logging off xx

@ibetonloosingdogs oh hey!! its nice to hear from you, i hope youre doing okay & wish u the best <3

been watching a lot of shows. reading a lot. listening to a lot of new music. i can't remember the last time i read anything on here. ao3 my love <333. i'll have to admit, it almost feels nostalgic revisiting this website. anyways i might be back soon, at least to socialize a bit. until then, logging off xx

@ibetonloosingdogs oh hey!! its nice to hear from you, i hope youre doing okay & wish u the best <3

hope you are having a nice winter,, take care <3

@joonshyung i actually did, spring was a bit rough tho. enjoying summerbreak rn, i hope ur having a nice summer as well <3

hey hey!! i hope you are okay, friend <3 and btw: did u watch shang-chi? im kinda new to the whole marvel universe but i really loved that movie hehe,, so i can def recommend it sending u lots of love xx ps: take all the time u need to answer btw,, kein stress <3

(and btw feel free to delete the messages in which i used the other (??) name if u wanna <3)

awww hello omg!! glad to hear from my cute little bean hehe >:) im doing okay too?? at this exact moment im v good tho,, listening to some hyperpop stuffy and texting you is a perfect combination hehe ohhh your taste >>,, i love it lots too hehe. ive also watched black widow which was cool too, but shang chi is better in my opinion!! oHHHH ive heard about dr who a lot!! and i think u did already tell me about good omen once, but i kinda forgot about it?? heh- i wont forget it again tho,, so thank u a lot for the recs <33 (worum geht es da so tho?? tell me more!!) alright!!,, thank you sm for telling me <3 calcifer is very cool tho (and cute somehow??),, ive watched howls moving castle recently and its 10/10 hehe so i think calcifer is a really good choice teheee <: awww!! thamks bibabibro (btw if u dont like the term bro just tell me!!),, i hope you will have a nice fall season (and helloween!!!!) too <3 feel hugged hehe <33

heyheyhey!! sorta am, thank u tho bubs <3 how are you doing?? i’ve watched it twice already hehe :D!! i’m glad u enjoyed it, it’s in my top 3 oooo, very excited for upcoming movies, it’d be a blast if marvel could uphold that kinda quality :)) ++another thing i’ve been getting into is doctor who lately, i’ve just finished season 3 and i got actually quite emotional invested, it’s sorta lovely, sorta heart-wrenching hehe oo and have u ever heard of good omens?? it’s one of my fave shows, maybe i already told u abt it, but that would be my top recommendation <3 oh and btw, i’ve recently (ok 2months but yeah) changes my name, the name’s calcifer now :33 yeah like the fire demon from howl’s moving castle, that movie has a big place in my heart and idk id say it sorta fits me, as for nicknames, most of my friends call me sif :]] sending u lots of love back nd to the stars (and back again), i hope ur fine and remember to snuggle up with a comfy blanket from time to time since it’s now getting colder again <3! mwah xx

HELLO HELLO HELLO NATHAN!! lemme open up another conversation: ive been at the cineman today!! it felt like i havent been there since forever and ive missed it so much aHHH its been really good tho,, wir waren fast die einzigen im saal actually, aber der film war ziemlich cool ig?? do u love going to the cinema that much too?? und btw: do you know umbrella academy?? cuz im watching that series rn and ig i like it lots too?? not sure yet tho as always: i love you!!!! have a nice time, bibabibro <3

BUONGIORNO!! (im trying to learn some italian with an app hahahaha) oHH thats nice,, a friend told me the new marvel movie was really really good hehe. ich war mittlerweile actually schon drei mal hehe,, lemme give u a review: 1 — „der spion“ das war ein film über einen sowjetischen spion im kalten krieg. pretty interesting,, basierte auf wahren begebenheiten!! i can def recommend it 2 — das war so ein kurzfilmfestival aus meiner stadt!! wir haben 10 kurzfilme geguckt, die alle tbh ziemlich nice waren. es war sehr diverse und auch oft pretty soft hehe. 3 — „cruella“ a new disney film!! its some sort of prequel to 101 dalmatians and pretty fun to watch hehe. hat mich somehow an der teufel trägt prada erinnert, weil die hauptfigur hier auch so eine modedesignerin werden will yk? all of them were pretty fun to watch tbh!! <3 oHHH yesyesyes,, i love klaus and ben a lot too!! i think their dynamic is my fav thing about the series as well hehe grr im a little bit sick too tbh,, even tho its nothing serious either hope youre better now tho!! <3 am glad ur having a good time, im doing fine as well

HIHIHIHI!! YES I LOVE THE CINEMA, AHHHHHH i went to the cinema last week tehee!! I watched the new marvel movie, what did u watch?? cinemas r the best >:]] yes!! i’m watching it rn as well, i’m like,, on ep 6?? Idunno, it’s been some time,,,all ik is that i really like klaus and his dynamic with ben :]] thank u bibabibro!! i’m on vacation at the moment, so yeah, even though i’m a little sick (nothing serious tho, i’ve checked), i’m having a good time :>>!! I hope so are you!! i love u too, take care!!

hey!! hope youre okay xx

woAHHH am meer???? sehr nice,, wie wars noch so? <3 ich hab jetzt auch ferien tho,, but im still at home just doing stuff with friends hehe aHHh thamks hehe. actually mussten wir mathe oder deutsch wählen, deshalb hatte ich mathe genommen - aber ig ich bin auch ganz gut darin hehe!! and i feel u tbh,, maths really only is fun when u understand it HAHAHA

@joonshyung yESSS!! bin momentan sogar in der Bretagne am Meer hehe!! Englisch und Mathe?? wOAAAAH!! That’s so cool, i suck at maths, tho it’s a lot of fun whenever i dO understand it :]! Bigbigbig props to u too!! Yes, we can be very proud of us hehe :>>!! <<<3

oHHH hast du jetzt ferien, bean?? hope youre having a good time <3 thats super nice!! same tho, ich werde englisch und mathe haben and my hart work was paying off, too - im so proud of both of us <3333

i lololololoveee you!! dont forget to take enough breaks and wear sunscreen!! <33

ohh thats so cool?? youre really swaggy ngl. ich habe tbh auch schon oft überlegt, es mir ganz kurz zu scheiden, but im kinda scared grr

@joonshyung my hair is pretty soft!! especially cuz i buzzed it all off in january and now it’s healthily regrowing (it’s already super long again hehe)

yesyes,, baseball caps hehe!! aww fluffy hair is super soft tho,, ur prolly look v cute uwu aHHH thank u!! and true, actually. i feel kinda cool so that should be enough ig!!

https://pin.it/6nVdbEW https://pin.it/5o2A9e5 sending hugs and kissies (only if u want ofc!!)

btw this is kinda random but i really enjoyed listening to these kinds of playlists lately and thought u might like it as well so here is one of them hehe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liKQ70nT8EA i love you!! take care and eat enouuugh nice foods <333

woah thank u!! Yes I love these kinda atmospheric playlists, thank u <33!! I love you too beans, take care of and pamper yourself especially in these times, don’t forget to stay hydrated!! <333

hOW ARE U DOING, NATHAN MY BESTO FRIENDO?? (im currently really enjoying jujutsu kaisen so sorry in advance HAHAHA) anyways i hope youre fine,, my dms are always open for u hehe <33

ohh woaah thats so cool?? hope its gonna work out for him!! agghh that sucks but in my opinion homeschooling >> actually being at school tbh — what about you tho? awww thanks nat hehe <33

@joonshyung hehe yes he is, +he’s most probably gonna go to Japan soon with his gf, she’s gonna study there abroad for two semesters (iffff everything works out with c)!! So yah :) I’m still in online school cuz the people here apparently miss the point of social distancing?? Anyways, set urself some time aside where you take care of yourself, that’s v important!! Ur doing grape, and eat enough!!

HELLO BEAN!! im glad youre okay <33 ++ your brother seems to be a man of culture, woaaah good taste!! listen to him and go watch the anime, kid hehehe im doing okay as well,, kinda stressed and tired but in a good mood rn