
Hello, I love your book Trials and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind checking out my book. It is similar to yours as it is a marvel fanfiction and it includes Bucky. 
          Title: Your memories will be the death of you
          Plot: Davina wakes up with no recalled memories and only remembering her name. Mysteriously, she is in the avengers headquarters with Tony Stark telling her about her cloudy past with hydra. Moreover, she is told that she is an extremely powerful witch hence why she is forced to attend training where she can learn to control her colossal amount of power. As she spends more days with the avengers, she falls in love but not with just one man, but with two: gentleman like and handsome Peter Parker and a mystery guy she keeps seeing in flashbacks of her past. Her desire for answers about her past causes her to end up in immense danger and leaves her with an excruciating heart break. 
          TW-abduction and torture
          I would really appreciate it if you could give me some advise on how to improve, thank you