Does anyone have that one song that makes you feel like you cant breathe because its so good...?.. This song gots me... (Godzilla ~With Confidence)
Basically With confidence....Jaydeleys voice is soooo. Omg
Check them out....
Ok im done......
@PierceTheStrays Because I love French Fries just like you do and as your stalker I am supposed to take your things and treasure them. Or eat them in this case xD
You know what I realized, love? You joined Wattpad exactly a year after I did. How cool is that? December 10th seems like a good day for people to join Wattpad
Hello random person. I randomly found your account but since with confidence are your profile pic and they are a low key sydney band that rarely anyone knows i was just so excited to find you! Better weather is the best album ever. Yes okay sorry for being random :p
Hey love. I love how happy you look while you listen to Pierce The Veil. Remind me what Misadventures song I should listen to while I watch you sleep.
-Ur Stalkerrr