
Hello everyone! Long time since I've posted for my "Bad Boy || Luke Hemmings" fans. I have some good news!! There is a new chapter up and ready for the reading and votes. Remember to vote and comment some things you would like to see in the future of the story.


Hello everyone! Long time since I've posted for my "Bad Boy || Luke Hemmings" fans. I have some good news!! There is a new chapter up and ready for the reading and votes. Remember to vote and comment some things you would like to see in the future of the story.


Ciao... Ti andrebbe di leggere, votare, commentare o seguire le mie storie??  Una delle mie tre storie partecipa ad un concorso, perché desidero ricevere il maggior numero di pareri possibile e cercare così di migliorare... spero che passerai...Ti aspetto! Buona lettura!!! <3