
Wishing evribody a happy newyear! And a good start of 2025!!


          Warning im a qlow updater on books at the. Moment or- already a few weeks days-  but yeah- still try to do it fast but life y1 know. Hard (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻
          Aniways hope you guys dont mind to wait!


No its ok. Take tour time^_^


Hey evribody! So from the last udate on a book i was think about somthing, and now i believe i have some plots for books as thus! These 2 i just made today!
          Still working on the page tho.
          They will be slow updates, my weeks are pretty time consuming rn so typing a lott is a lott to ask for the moment. Ile do my best tho to update here and there if not in the 2 books im preparing (compleetly new ones) then in other books.
          Now enjoy the rest of your week!


Thx. You to


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Second time ever detention in this svhool last year i was full panic when i was late, so i had a second change and let out of detentipn meanong i could just go home the same day, aniways.
          Today a lott happend i have to go help school with 2 other students with an event and that drama. Aniways so to the detention! I had to only stay 30 minutes longer, no big deal! Not at all! I dint mind for once, also why i was late? I showzr at night not during mornings cus i find that wya to stressfull and i had an acident of me not having washed all the saop from my hair well and so on.
          So i showered in the morning. Then at the end i took 20 minutes on the toilet taking sush a damn . I dont feel 1shamed cus evribody shits but mah shit had the wrong timing as i leave for school at 8:10 tho today i left at 8:20. Ofcourse i expected to be late so i dint even mind stess riding my bike to school, i expected it tmand got detention. 
          Now detention just happend and i had to write this bundle of rules and school stuff on a white paper. Had a bit of fun tjo suprisingly, idk if its just me but i dit it 50 minutes! Hehe 
          Aniways have to go help school now. Bye!!!


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@ ice_whale_plush  turns put emoji's dont work so yeah, (shit- poop, kaka. And that. You know)


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Ive oficually turned 18 today, im old well im. A adult tho i still fucking feel like a kid who lost some childhood memories, tho watever im.gonne have an amezing birthday party of my own sunday.
          I wish i had more time i thing age 20-26 is more of adult phase cus 18- thats still really young to me but thats just opiniond ofcourse! 


@ice_whale_plush happy birthday and hope you enjoy it well just try to look on the brigth sigth ok


Getting older is realising school was fun.
          Getting to work is realising how easy school was on us still. Work is a big step.
          Phones? Onestly try being more out or go do stuff that doesn't need a phone.
          Being young when we said "i dont want a phone!" Is now "i want a phone" at the age of 10-9. 
          Books, i used to love to flip a page now im on my phone scrolling true pages online cus thatq now my fun. No flipping pages just scroll down.
          Om just saying were all changing, im sorry if my post was stupid but its a change for me ig, bye now


Hey evribody!
          Its been a long while huh?
          I know i know, well i just made a new book. 
          Incase you wanne know wat it is ile help you and send the link! Read if you like ofcourse, its a book about our dear innicent elemental thorn, with some difrent adventures~