
Hey so, i delited my group on discord by acident so bicus sombody asked for it it will be remade!
          	This is the link 
          	(Hopefully it works, you dont need to ask permission you can join right inside!)


Hey evribody!
          Its been a long while huh?
          I know i know, well i just made a new book. 
          Incase you wanne know wat it is ile help you and send the link! Read if you like ofcourse, its a book about our dear innicent elemental thorn, with some difrent adventures~



Okey so,
          Hiii! I made a discord server.
          Its mostly about boboiboy elemebt sorry
          If you wanne join



@ ice_whale_plush  sure, but- its delited, ile remake it tho no wurries~


Hey evribody, while im back i tought about a book idea, may be very slow updates but i wouod be happy if some of yiu guys like the bio- or info as were given bifore. 
          Ile trow many plots in, if im not forgeting it hehe, aniways enjoy the new book~
          ~link to book~



Quick explaining for why im not updatign anithing or posting new books, 
          Basicly, i used to ise this app to escape from reality? Idk how to say it. But whenever im in a bad place/mood or anithing else- i tend to write books more then being on somthing else.
          This is a bad explaining im sorry


@ ThornyKyle  ty for understanding me :)


To be fair, 
          Im having many new book ideas or ideas in genural but i cant seem to write them down animore.
          Cus for me its liek i start writing then the next one gets to me. Then another and then i vergot the plot of the first the the carackters of the other. Yhere just 1 book i maniged to write on- but i have vergotten my whole plot thanks to the overwelming amounts of ideas i had all at once with i still do just less and more manigible.
          But aniways, ile be writing on my old books or the books that are already published. If you have. Arequest of an idea i could use- its alweys welkom! Ile give credits to you sinds it was your idea ofcourse!
          Now my second thing, 
          If you guys are waiting for a new page or chap/part or just a whole new continueasion pls allarm me as i would like to make you guys any longer! Ile try my best to do it fast after im allarmed by it!
          But do remmember that im going to school and at times its really busy busy days so i may not be as fast as you would like.
          But i promis to try aniways.
          Now have a wonderfull day/midday/afternoon/night!!


@ KuroiKitsune4507  dint knew you still read my messegas here, i got your first comment! Hah! (Dont dare delite it)


@ice_whale_plush i'm gòad you finally noticed


@ ice_whale_plush  reading this back i have so many grammer mistakes 


Quick talk,
          I wanne redo books and all, if you guys want me to redo a new one or an old one pls tell me! Ile gladly do it~ :]
          And i swear- im mostly makong new books but im really trying to do old ones again! 
          Motivation just alweys leaves