
          	After being on Wattpad for 7 years, I’ve decided to put some of my own work here. 
          	I love words and I’ve always loved writing. It’s been an outlet for me most of my life. But a few years ago, an incident made me stop. 
          	That changed when I wrote ‘Spray Paint’ on HITRECORD last year. It’s a combination of spontaneous inspiration and my memory of Milan, Italy. The street is actually one that I walked every morning. 
          	However, it is ‘Love, Asteria’ that’s truly a piece of my heart and soul. 
          	So here I am. Putting my words out there. 
          	I hope you enjoy. 
          	-B x
          	Ps. Feedback is not just appreciated, but requested. 


          After being on Wattpad for 7 years, I’ve decided to put some of my own work here. 
          I love words and I’ve always loved writing. It’s been an outlet for me most of my life. But a few years ago, an incident made me stop. 
          That changed when I wrote ‘Spray Paint’ on HITRECORD last year. It’s a combination of spontaneous inspiration and my memory of Milan, Italy. The street is actually one that I walked every morning. 
          However, it is ‘Love, Asteria’ that’s truly a piece of my heart and soul. 
          So here I am. Putting my words out there. 
          I hope you enjoy. 
          -B x
          Ps. Feedback is not just appreciated, but requested. 


Hey! I love coffee too!:)
          Please check out my first attempt to write a book, it is called WOMAN by niks2796 because I love writing as much as Chandler loves his jokes. Like, SHARE and follow if you enjoy. Means a lot..thanks :)


            Coffee is heaven  and sure, just added that to my lists. Why don't you check out mine too? It'd be nice to have some feedback :P 


Want exposure? Want someone to design you a better cover? Want someone to critique your work? We offer u an opportunity to visit a group run by authors for the authors!
          Then visit @RamblingBrooks, a group that can transform you and your story!


@Literaturist hahah glad we're on the same page 