

wind rattled the trees. a rabbit scurried across the under growth. in the distance a Fox sped past a fern making a small quiet sound. heavy paw steps pounded on the ground at top speed. wolves were howling very loud. animals ran for cover as they heard the wolves coming closer by the second.
          twilight muttered, how come we all have to come to the full moon howl? spark hissed, be quiet try and enjoy it u fat old coyote. ugh, twilight hissed. they padded off again and raced up to a big cliff on a mountain like deal. it was a mountain that had a path curving around it for the alphas and who ever else wanted to go that way. it got thinner that the top in that part and at the top it had a bowl like shape with one high slit of rock stretching up to the moon. 
                when the moon was full they would make this 1.5 mile run to the mountain only the alpha, deputy, hunters, guards, and apprentice got to come. queens and pups would stay home. they would run to the top of the mountain and howl at the full moon. if the moon did not shine on a full moon it ment trouble would come and if it did shine it ment life would be good. if it shined bright it ment that prey would be plentiful, if it was a dim then it ment prey would be scarce. 
          they reached the top. spark barked, see that was not so hard. twilight hissed under clenched teeth, maybe for a young hunter like you. what ever, moaned spark. 
             the pack raced up to the full moon. it was shining bright and the wolves were abought to howl but the moon faded. the wolves fell silent. the pack leader barked, what is this?! have are past wolves told us something? what do they want? the deputy stepped up. I fear they say we will soon run out of food, he whispered.
                 what should we do alpha? I-I think we should be worried. but I don't  know... it's not like them to do this. the moon all of a sudden faded pitch black. the wolves were whispering fiercely, what is this? what will we do? what does it mean? the alpha silenced them with one snap of his powerful jaws. we won't do anything. they ment it would be a long time before we got low on prey for sure. we will brain storm what they want from us but we have time. a wolf spoke up, your kitting right?! we can't sit and wait! the moon faded witch ment trouble for sure! r u a fat old Fox or something?! it's pretty clear!
                 then what do u think we should do, all power full guard?, he growled. I don't know but I know what it means! silence!, the alpha growled. we will wait and that's final. the wolves kept quiet. the deputy barked, let's go back to camp. we don't want the queens fretting over us. the wolves woofed in agreement and padded back to camp whispering to one another.
          CHAPTER 1
              frost was turning the branch's to slippery rock. diamond like raindrops hit the ground pounding the dirt. ice turned around, hello there. she bowed her head. adder, a big guard with deadly claws looked at her. hurry up, he growled. I'd like to be back to camp and out of the rain soon, he grumbled. ice raced across the think pine forest. adder muttered under his breath, apprentices! She locked her eyes on a deer gracing around trying to keep up with its heard. she could smell the heard and it was abought 30 feet away. she whispered nervously, are you sure I'm ready for deer? I've not even killed a hare before. adder glared at his apprentice. do you think I'm lieing? no... then hurry up he snapped. she took a big gulp and stalked the deer. it seemed to pick up her sent and it froze in its tracks. she glared at it then pounced. she jumped on its back perfectly and clawed it side. it let out a warning call to its heard and started trying to shake her off. it bucked at her and kept making noise.
                  at this rate it will scare every molecule of prey from here to the ocean! She heard story's of the ocean. it was told to be a vast place of water that seemed to go on forever. they say few wolves had crossed it but they never come back. she shivered the thought away. when she loosened her grip it flung her off like a flea. she lay down trying to get up as it raced to her. dream, a black fluffy strong cave guard jumped from the shadows. growling at the deer and jumped on it snapping it's neck and killing it. ice looked at him gratefully. adder jumped from a tree. coyote brain! what do you think you were doing dream? saving a life, he hissed back. she should of fought the deer off or earned her wounds. he glanced at her then at adder again. no!, She needs to be a top power. adder looked at him crossly. what ever, he growled as he stalked away. come on!, He barked to her. 
                 I'd better get going. she put her nose up to his chest. thank you for saving me, then hurried off into the shadows. he watched her leave for a second then raced after them. ice stretched. rapped came running over to her. guess what!, She barked. what?, ice moaned. lizard said I was almost ready to be a hunter! ice woofed, why do guards have to learn how to hunt to?, We're not hunters. hunters do to don't worry. but we learn mostly abought the main stuff. I know I'm not coyote brained! ice thought. yawn... I think I'll tern in early tonight. I was almost killed by a deer today. rapped lapped some water from the rain and said, ha see why you need to be good at hunting to? She jumped away, I'm going to go hunting some more bye! ice barked back, bye! She stretched again and walked over to the apprentice den. deer, she grumbled and fell fast a sleep.