
          	It's really hard to say this but...
          	I'm taking a temporary break from the fandom of Frozen...
          	I will be keeping my account and books, but for now I don't plan to start working on any new stories.
          	I also won't have the time to since school starts tomorrow for me *le sigh*
          	But I will make a "final" decision as to whether I am 100% sure staying in the fandom, or if I'm leaving. 
          	My decision will be based on the second movie. As to see if I still enjoy this or not.
          	I'm truly sorry. Please accept my choices. If you don't like it, hate all you want. I mean, haters gon hate.
          	Okay so maybe see y'all soon(?)


          It's really hard to say this but...
          I'm taking a temporary break from the fandom of Frozen...
          I will be keeping my account and books, but for now I don't plan to start working on any new stories.
          I also won't have the time to since school starts tomorrow for me *le sigh*
          But I will make a "final" decision as to whether I am 100% sure staying in the fandom, or if I'm leaving. 
          My decision will be based on the second movie. As to see if I still enjoy this or not.
          I'm truly sorry. Please accept my choices. If you don't like it, hate all you want. I mean, haters gon hate.
          Okay so maybe see y'all soon(?)


Hey guys, sorry for not being very active but I just finished school and I'm finally on summer vacation. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to be writing anymore Frozen fanfictions. Or anything for that matter. Busy schedule. So I really do appreciate y'all for commenting and voting for my stories. Thank you so much x1000000000000000000000(etc) love you all!


          I don't know if everyone who has read my Flames & Ice trilogy experienced but heres the issue:
          a lot of people have told me that some chapters are missing. I don't know why they are missing but i know i have published all the chapters and that all books are fully completed. I'll try my best to fix this problem. If i cant, please comment what chapter is missing and ill see if theres a problem with that chapter that can be solved. If not, ill rewrite the chapter and email it to you or somehow get it to you. I apologize for this inconvenience. Sorry if my grammar kind of sucks right now but im typing fast so bare with me. Again, im sorry for this happening.