
There are something good for you do in your life.


@ naomi_audya  Ku hitung detik waktu, memikirkanmu tiada habisnya
          	  Kau di detak jantungku, di setiap nafasku tiada gantinya
          	  Kau segalanya. yang bermakna.
          	  I just wanna hold you, i just wanna kiss you
          	  I just wanna love all my live
          	  I normally wouldn't say this, but i just can't contain it
          	  I want you here forever right here by my side.
          	  All the fears you feel inside and all the tears you've cried
          	  They are ending right here
          	  I'll heal you hardened soul, I'll keep you oh so close
          	  Don't worry i'll never let you go
          	  You are all i need, you are everything
          	  I just wanna hold you, i just wanna kiss you
          	  I just wanna love all my live
          	  I normally wouldn't say this, but i just can't contain it
          	  I want you here forever right here by my side.
          	  Siapa yang kan meyangka aku tergila-gila
          	  Dengarlah sekali lagi i love you
          	  Tiada yang lain lagi hatiku telah terkunci cuma kamu.
          	  I just wanna hold you, i just wanna kiss you
          	  I just wanna love all my live
          	  I normally wouldn't say this, but i just can't contain it
          	  I want you here forever right here by my side.
          	  Oooh hold you kiss you
          	  I just wanna love you all my life
          	  I normally wouldn't say this
          	  But i just can't contain it
          	  I want you here forever right here by my side


          Baca Blood of Love yuk.... Banyak pembaca yang minta sequelnya, dan jangan salahin aku kalo kamu melek sampe pgi krn penasaran baca ampe akhir hehehe
          TAMAT 45part - view sudah +24.5K
          ( start nov18) 
          Note: All my story is Adult Romance . Under 17yo -   kindly stay away ^_^ 
          ♥♥♥ Blood of Love 
          Mature - Romance FANTASY
          Aku takut! 
          Kalimat pertama yang kukenali saat aku mendengar permintaan klanku. Petempuran dengan kekuatan gelap membuatku menjadi neraca pembayaran dan aku harus menikah dengan seorang putra pertama klan vampire. Sikap nya yang dingin dan kenyataan bahwa dia selalu dikelilingi wanita cantik membuatku berpikir, seperti apa kehidupan perkawinan kami nanti. 
          Cerita yang lain : 
           (Romance 21+ - On going 29 part) Start Feb 19
          Ketika Mayor Amanda Neville, seorang dokter bedah dengan karier cemerlang  harus menghadapi perjodohan yang diatur oleh bibinya, dia memilih pergi ke medan perang Afganistan yang penuh resiko  untuk menghindar dan menenangkan dirinya. Apa yang dia temukan disana. 
          ♥ AURORA ( Fantasy Complete 42 part) 
          +14.2K - Start Pub. July 18
          ♥ SOFIA ( On Going 18Part)   
          Romance - Action + 2.2 K- Start Jan 19
          ♥ I HATE MY BOSS  ( On going 4 part)
          Makasih sudah berkunjung, semoga km suka ♥♥♥♥


There are something good for you do in your life.


@ naomi_audya  Ku hitung detik waktu, memikirkanmu tiada habisnya
            Kau di detak jantungku, di setiap nafasku tiada gantinya
            Kau segalanya. yang bermakna.
            I just wanna hold you, i just wanna kiss you
            I just wanna love all my live
            I normally wouldn't say this, but i just can't contain it
            I want you here forever right here by my side.
            All the fears you feel inside and all the tears you've cried
            They are ending right here
            I'll heal you hardened soul, I'll keep you oh so close
            Don't worry i'll never let you go
            You are all i need, you are everything
            I just wanna hold you, i just wanna kiss you
            I just wanna love all my live
            I normally wouldn't say this, but i just can't contain it
            I want you here forever right here by my side.
            Siapa yang kan meyangka aku tergila-gila
            Dengarlah sekali lagi i love you
            Tiada yang lain lagi hatiku telah terkunci cuma kamu.
            I just wanna hold you, i just wanna kiss you
            I just wanna love all my live
            I normally wouldn't say this, but i just can't contain it
            I want you here forever right here by my side.
            Oooh hold you kiss you
            I just wanna love you all my life
            I normally wouldn't say this
            But i just can't contain it
            I want you here forever right here by my side