* guys i'm alive >_<!!!!

*( SPEED ) slowly pulls out my fork and knife to eat your account...

* guess who's (finally) back...!!!!

* i promise that i'm not ignoring anyone, i've just been deathly sick with a bad case of covid. it's been pushing my immune system into overdrive which is making me very weak and tired. it's making me very inconsistent as of late and i deeply apologize for that, but once i get on the road to recovery everything will go back to what it was normally. i'll be back consistently soon, promise xoxo <33

* aglaea's way of flirting is speaking on cannibalism and calling your muse beautiful within the same sentence. isn't she quite the romantic vampyr?

@ichoriaI / in a literal sense , considering he owns a restaurant and eats people .

* i need to make her a pinterest board ASAP.

* @remanoirs,thank you so much my love xoxo <33 unfortunately for me, i caught a horrible bug from going out of town last weekend. i've been absolutely suffering for the past 72 hours and counting....!

* forgive me as i'm sick but i crave that slow burn, grotesque romance with algaea that intertwines the symbolism of both religion + cannibalism. (aka hannigram in another universe!!!)

* i'm back for good now so cb + specify a mood!!

so .. are you going to tell me what happened? or are we going to sit in silence together?

♱̼ . ⠀ @remanoirs, [her silence would kiss the atmosphere for just a couple moments more. there was aglaea'a gaze, a softened prominent stare for her eyes never left theirs. they only drift so slightly to study their flesh with great intent, her eyes would then gleam with a faint sparkle once her gaze meets again.] i required your honesty, if you wish for mine. [she says, her tongue carries the edge of the alluring and unnerving way the vampyr spoke.] what happened is certainly tragic, yes.. but i will not speak upon it more——unless you're prepared to listen to truths you may never wish to hear.