/ Jenny Boyd is a queen & no one can change my mind .
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/ Jenny Boyd is a queen & no one can change my mind .
/ Jenny Boyd is a queen & no one can change my mind .
/ This’ll most likely go on hiatus for the next few months or something -
/ @SEACONTENT ,, Percy Jackson aged up anon - Percy Jackson’s younger half sister , Estelle :)
Update, we’re dating
Am not . . * She scowled lightly swatting her hands away from her hair * I’ll always have your back . I’m glad too that you have my back as well . I couldn’t ask for anyone better . . After Clara of course . ෴ @desirablepowers
@brightengiggles You sure are acting like one. *she laughs and ruffles Kathleen’s hair smiling* I’m glad you have my back, mermaid. I’ll have your back too
* She placed a hand where her heart was , Gasping dramatically * You wound me ! Ew . Gods no . I am not her daughter I have proof ! I’m just really happy for you . It’s not everyday that you find out this kind of stuff . Plus , You deserve happiness I’m just here for . . Extra support . ෴ @desirablepowers
Kathleen! How’s my favorite niece? You and Clary doing good?
@queenoftxme That’s always the confusing part , it still confuses me to this day . But I’m sure you’ll be able to pull it off when you do tell . * she smiled warmly * I bet you’ll too be dating soon especially if you’re in the middle right now . I can’t see why you two aren’t already dating .
@brightengiggles Gods our family tree is going to be so confusing explaining it. *she sighs shaking her head before nodding sheepishly* we are on the fine line between friends and dating, so I hope it goes over the edge onto dating
@queenoftxme Ooh * her eyes widened slightly in surprise * Fine , fine . I’ll keep my mouth shut on camp until you tell him . . Everything . He’s that cute , huh ? I’ll take your word for it and he . . He makes you happy and whatnot ?
/. I’m not sure if I’ll keep Kathleen being the younger sister of Caroline Forbes && percy Jackson . I might change it to how it originally was — with her being Percy’s twin . Idk yet .
@OfShadowQueen I’ll probably end up doing it and okayyy . Whatever works best -
*she drapes herself over the other staring up at Kathleen* Loveeee
@OfShadowQueen * she stuck her tongue out after the daughter of Hades had * Mm. That you are . You’re a beautiful princess too . The most beautiful of them all .
@brightengiggles *she pouts at the finger being shaken before sticking her tongue out st her girlfriend* death can’t stop us, if anything it will bring us together since I am the princess of the underworld *she grins widely*
@OfShadowQueen He can let you die for me if it ever comes to that . * she pulled her finger away playful shaking it before giggling * Good . I can’t lose you / ever / . And I’ll never leave you either . Death can’t hold me downnnn .
Clara wrapped her arms around the others waist from behind. Letting out a soft sigh, she places her chin against the others shoulder. Gently kissing her on the cheek. “You are so beautiful Krasimira.” She spoke softly smiling at the girl. She spoke of the woman’s true name as well
@-BlondeDamage Clara blinked her eyes while blushing lightly, she shook her head before kissing her cheek. She held onto the other tightly before burying her face into the others shoulder. “I am not beautiful Kath, I have never been.”
@OfShadowQueen A smile made its way onto her lips as she gave a small shake of her head , chuckling softly . “ Beautiful ? You are the one who is beautiful , Clara .” Kathleen stated , not minding the use of the female using her real name , denying herself as being beautiful . “ but , thank you . “ the blonde gave a grin tilting her head to look at Clara .
She slowly curled up against the woman letting out a sigh. Clara leaned against the other
@-BlondeDamage She hums happily nuzzling unto the other softly. “I love you so much.” She spoke softly letting her eyes slip shut
@OfShadowQueen she slowly wrapped an arm around the other female , turning her head slightly to look at her. " hey." she responded back in a soft tone .
Whenever you appear, you keep leaving Mermaid. What the heck?
@OfShadowQueen “ wow..” she breathed out. “ that’s .. that’s a lot to take in.”
@-BlondeDamage “You remember when I told you I am a Petrova?” She questions for a moment, she purses her lips together. “500 years ago I died and was turned into a vampire by my mother, 8 years ago in 2010...my heart was ripped out by Atlas.” She says calmly. “I’m fully resurrected.”
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Duration: 2 days