To my Wings of Heaven fans:
I have no excuse, really, to keep you guys all waiting this long; I am so sorry.
I wrote this story in 2016; that was three years ago. So much of me has changed since then. I go to college now! As I write this, I just finished my first semester as a sophomore chemical engineering major.
How nerdy is that? Three years ago, I cringed away from the thought of being labeled an “engineer”. Three years ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do. Three years ago, I adored writing; from poetry to fanfiction, you name it. Three years ago, I loved this story with the pride that every parent reserves for their children.
As of today, I have plans to be a chemical and nuclear engineer. As of today, I have regular mental break downs from all of the stress I have been under to get As in all of my classes. As of today, my dad has been in the hospital for the last 5 months.
It’s been hard, but through it all I have not forgotten this story, not forgotten you all, and most importantly not forgotten my love of writing.
I have made promises time and again, and broken them time and again, but I will live up to my word someday. I just hope that it can be this summer.
So here is a promise I will do my level best not to break:
Whether it is three day, three months, three years or three decades. I WILL get these sequels out to you and do my LEVEL BEST to make sure it is the quality that I not only aim for, but the quality all of you DESERVE. The stories I have read on WattPad have brought me from the brink of a breakdown and panic attack so many times that I cherish each and every one of them and I hope to provide stories that can have the same impact on those who arm struggling with their own demons.
Please, accept my apology and lend me your patience for a little while longer. Please, I am doing the best I can.