
I’m debating writing stuff again… but idk what to do. I don’t want to loose interest in my writing again 


hey, besties!! so today I decided I'm going to take the weekend to start writing again. I kind of lost motivation and with school, it was hard to keep up with it but I've come up with a schedule for posting. On Monday(s) I will be posting over on AO3, Thursdays I will be posting here (the new book will be out on both but for reference, I'll only be posting it on Thursdays)


I’m genuinely having a hard time keeping up with school work and writing at the same time and I hate it :( 


@idkgunnabeweird I would say try and focus on school and work. I think I can speak for most of us when I say we will wait for u.


New update should be coming out in an our or so :) 


I am so so sorry something came up yesterday it should be out later today :( 


@idkgunnabeweird when the update didn't come out in a hour :(


People who follow me, people who don’t, who actually would be interested in me writing more books? I want to know. 


So I deleted the skeppy and bbh book. I didn’t like my writing style back then and I want to start everything over. I will leave Away up for now but eventually I’m going to rewrite it and post it again. I might start writing on Ao3 also idk yet. I know my writing has potential now and I want to be sure it’s good enough to post. I also decided not to sign the contract and will be writing my original dreamnotfound plot as is. 


I have an announcement for all of you that might be a little upsetting at first but you’ll feel better when it’s done. 1st off I am changing my dnf book to original writing for a contract meaning I won’t be writing it anymore. 2nd!! I’m going to come up with another plot for another book for the dnf stans. It won’t be posted as regularly due to me being fairly busy etc which I hope you all can understand that. I’m sorry that I haven’t been keeping you all in the loop as much. I love you all