
Okay, I know. I'm a crappy person. It sucks that I don't have a schedule, because then I don't have that much motivation to do it by a certain time. The thing is, is I have to watch a 1 year old and a 3 year old. I'm a nanny. So it's hard to get in time to write. But I will keep going on my books. I'm working on a chapter for each one, even my drafts, as of right now, except for Worthy of My Heart, as I just uploaded it the other day. Thank you for understanding, and if anyone has any questions or problems, feel free to message me whenever! I might not be able to answer directly after, but it will as soon as I can.


Okay, I know. I'm a crappy person. It sucks that I don't have a schedule, because then I don't have that much motivation to do it by a certain time. The thing is, is I have to watch a 1 year old and a 3 year old. I'm a nanny. So it's hard to get in time to write. But I will keep going on my books. I'm working on a chapter for each one, even my drafts, as of right now, except for Worthy of My Heart, as I just uploaded it the other day. Thank you for understanding, and if anyone has any questions or problems, feel free to message me whenever! I might not be able to answer directly after, but it will as soon as I can.


Okay y'all, I need help. My private library has 100s of books and I can't remember the name of it, but I was reading a book sometime ago and all I can remember of it is a part where the female lead is making out with the male lead and he moans her best friends name and I really want to read it but I don't remember anything else about it.


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So... I'm so pussed. My mother tried entering my password on my phone and if you wnter it wrong a certain amount of times, it delets everything and resefs it. EVERYTHING. So now all 1,243 of my pictures that I have gathered over the last few years are gone. And most were from Snapchat so I can't go back and just save them again. Fuck. And I had just gone to a museum yesterday with amazing things, especially with the mummies from Egypt.