
I know a lot of you want an update... but I can’t right now, I’m not in the correct headspace, yesterday I found out that a close family friend, and one of my closest elder friends, sadly committed suicide Monday night... I really don’t know what to say or, or write. I just. I feel so empty. I’m sorry.


I just want her back so bad


hey queen/king i hope you're doing alright—i don't know if you use or even have access to this account, but i just wanted to leave a little note
          you don't know who i am, nor do i know who you are, but what i do know is how difficult it is to go through all the stuff you've gone through, and being able to work through it all showcases how strong and determined and brave you are and i am so proud of you for staying alive
          if you decided to go through with higher education, you're probably a junior in college!! the same age as my older sister!!!! (give or take a year or so) so hopefully you have been able to experience some freedom to grow and recover
          either way, im sure you are an extraordinary, creative, and caring person with many people who love and care about you, even if you don't think its true
          you are a kind soul destined to do great things and you remember that you are so amazing and so cool and an awesome, inspirational author!! (in fact after reading ur helen fic, i might write one of my own) keep it up because you are worth so much more than you could ever know :)


I know a lot of you want an update... but I can’t right now, I’m not in the correct headspace, yesterday I found out that a close family friend, and one of my closest elder friends, sadly committed suicide Monday night... I really don’t know what to say or, or write. I just. I feel so empty. I’m sorry.


I just want her back so bad


Hi guys... I have been getting people commenting saying my BP x Reader is actually an OC x Reader, and have been stating it pretty firmly, but I have given my all to this book, so it is very much appreciated if those people would stop leaving comments and maybe rack off. Because I have better things to do than receive comments like this.


Hi there!! Not to be a bother, but could u please check out my book "The Sequoian Heir"? Pretty please with unicorn glitter on top?


Thank you!!! ❤❤


Thank you!!! ❤❤


To everyone who has been reading my books, 
          I am so sorry that I haven't been able to update. I have let my readers down and should be updating whenever I can, I feel so bad about neglecting my unfinished stories and not listening to my readers wishes. I hope you can all forgive me and I will update all of my stories in the next few days.