Hey, I don't know if you're still using this account, or if you ever see this message. I know you said not to wait, cuz you might never come back, but I'll wait anyway, I know it won't make my life easy. However, if you decide not to comeback, then I hope you stay alive and win whatever you're fighting right now. Year's from now, I will come find you, and I'll keep that as a promise to myself. I just hope that you're still alive until then, I have lots of questions to ask and stories to tell, at the same time I'll miss your kwentos now matter how trivial they are, I still want to hear them from you. And if you don't agree with me, then just confront me right now, answer my questions, I'll understand. It's just that, you've said your goodbyes and I haven't said mine, cuz I don't know why I have to say goodbye. Instead, I will say 'talk to you later' or 'until next time'. I still don't understand why you have to say goodbye. And, I will wait for you until you made me understand. We don't have to say goodbye, even if your health is failing, even if you're at your downest, atleast let me be there for you. Because, no matter what, I still want to be there for you.