Hey guys. I’ve not been actively writing in a really long time and my most popular story says finished but really isn’t, basically I started it when I was about 13 yrs old and never really had the time or motivation to finish it, I kinda would write a chapter not knowing what would happen next in the story which made the entire thing (in my opinion) kinda sloppy and not very good, but you guys really do seem to like it, which is why I would love to propose that I basically remake the entire thing with the same plot lines and development but hopefully this time it would be better written and hopefully I’d finish it. I’m (soon to be) 17 now and have the time since the only thing I got going on is work…lmk what you guys think about the idea and if you would be interested/ would read it thank you for all the recent love and lmk what you guys think of the proposal and if it were to happen what you guys would add or take out or change in the og story so I can make it better for you guys All love

@idrkwid101 wait i think wattpad jus got rid of the message feature but i would totally join

@iliketoread896 I didn’t even know you could make gc on Wattpad lmao, I’d be down I would just need to know who wants in

UR BACCKKK!!! omg girl u shud make a gc and add some ppl who read the book before and u can like ask for feedback n advice and get ideas for chapters. i’ve seen a couple other writers do that