
Alright this post is mainly just for me, because I know limited people will see it, but I think its important.
          	Leave the door open in your life, let things come and go. Don't be set on one thing going the way you want it to, let your life flow like a river, dont try to change its corse. I think that the biggest mistake we make in life is taking things too seriously. 
          	Live how you want. Dress how you want. Life is too short to beat around the bush, or to kiss on the cheek. Go for it, don't leave with any regret!
          	Love you all!!


Alright this post is mainly just for me, because I know limited people will see it, but I think its important.
          Leave the door open in your life, let things come and go. Don't be set on one thing going the way you want it to, let your life flow like a river, dont try to change its corse. I think that the biggest mistake we make in life is taking things too seriously. 
          Live how you want. Dress how you want. Life is too short to beat around the bush, or to kiss on the cheek. Go for it, don't leave with any regret!
          Love you all!!