
happy 30th birthday angel <3


bestie where are both ur pfps frommm xx


i love larry edits smmmmm


ahhhh yessss plssssss 


@hharryttomlinsonn hii, i'm not sure where they're from, i wish i did, but if you'd like i can try to find them again for you?


hi! it’s been a while hasn’t it? 
          i’ve been thinking about an idea for a new fic. i really really want to do a famous/fan story, and in this case louis is famous and harry is a fan but he’s v v shy. i absolutely adore fix’s where either lou or haribo is super shy and there isn’t much character progress when it comes to them being less shy… i don’t know! i know i haven’t updated ti amo, amore, i know i said that i would but tbh i kinda just wanna find a fic that i actually enjoy writing and focus my energy on that… also i started my sophomore year two weeks ago, tests are starting and i have homework so i’d have to find some time to be able to write, but lemme know!! 


to everyone in the community, if you are struggling to figure out who you are, if you can’t come out, are too afraid to come out, you are valid. you are loved. we have one month to show all those homophobic people in the world that we deserve to be able to love whoever we want openly and that we deserve freedom. love is love <3


yesterday, me and my friend were talking about enola holmes 2 cause apparently it’s gonna come out soon and she goes but i don’t think louis’ gonna be there and i go why would louis be there and she’s like because he’s the viscount person and i was like AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I THOUGHT YOU MEANT LOUIS TOMLINSON and she was like this is even more proof that you’re obsessed. and i was like bruh it’s not my fault that i forgot other people with the name louis exist