
Hey guys!
          	Firstly, I'm so so glad that people are still continuing to check out my book and loving it. I appreciate it so much <3
          	I'm currently in the middle of exams and they don't end until June so I've basically been taking a hiatus until then, I hope you guys don't give up until then. I've been reading over my book and didn't realise how cringe it was until now. So there will be changes made just editing wise to make it a little easier to read! Thank you for taking the time to read my book, I really love reading the little comments you guys leave it makes my day :)
          	See you soon
          	Rue xx


Hey guys!
          Firstly, I'm so so glad that people are still continuing to check out my book and loving it. I appreciate it so much <3
          I'm currently in the middle of exams and they don't end until June so I've basically been taking a hiatus until then, I hope you guys don't give up until then. I've been reading over my book and didn't realise how cringe it was until now. So there will be changes made just editing wise to make it a little easier to read! Thank you for taking the time to read my book, I really love reading the little comments you guys leave it makes my day :)
          See you soon
          Rue xx


          Esse é o meu livro Hooverville, a obra está disponível no formato Kindle e físico, garanto que vai se surpreender com a história.
          Sinopse: Sob cinzas de uma crise, uma cidade é constituída em meio a últimas esperanças. Agora ela se tornou palco de mistérios, na Hooverville High School os alunos estão sendo aterrorizados pelos os perigos anônimos do presente, e as famílias fundadoras temem aos fantasmas do passado, além de carregar um alvo nas costas. Todos escondem segredos, até os mortos, mas até que ponto eles são capazes de chegar para manté-los seguro?
          Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/173563653-hooverville
          Kindle: https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B08KSKM6J2