
Umm hi?...
          	How is everyone?
          	I have a habit of making false promises and disappearing. Sorry  
          	Whenever i come back here and browse through my stories in my drafts I fall in love with them all over again and feel determined to finish them. Please be patient with me <3


Umm hi?...
          How is everyone?
          I have a habit of making false promises and disappearing. Sorry  
          Whenever i come back here and browse through my stories in my drafts I fall in love with them all over again and feel determined to finish them. Please be patient with me <3


Sorry... another annoying announcement.... I know.. *cringes* 
          Just a quick thank you to those of you who have been supporting my work, I do see you and you're very special to me and you motivate me to continue writing <3
          I tend to have a habit of never finishing my stories and always deleting them but you guys keep me writing.
          So thank you.


To my horror, I just realized chapter 5 was published with unsaved changes so my updated chapter didn't publish and I've just lost more than 500 words :0 
          I can't imagine the confusion my readers must have had when they read that chapter looool 
          For now I will Un-publish the book to edit and will re-upload again soon with a new chapter.
          Again I'm soo sorry!


Chapter 5 of "I DREAMED MY HAND IN YOURS"  has been uploaded my lovelies, sorry that it's a bit later than promised.
          I've decided to put "I LOVED YOU FIRST" on hold and will be un-publishing it as I want to make it into a sequel and a book 2 for "I DREAMED MY HAND IN YOURS" 
          Also, I won't be posting until AFTER EID just so I can take more advantage of the last few days of this blessed month.
          To anyone else that's feeling demotivated and hasn't pushed themselves hard this Ramadan, don't worry! 
          It's about how you start the race, it's about how you finish it!


*it's not about how you start the race


Chapter 1 of "I loved you first" has been updated.
          Sorry for any confusion to anyone who's already read the prologue, I decided to include the prologue as a part of chapter 1 so If you scroll down you'll see the new part.
          Please like and comment to show support.
          Chapter 4 of "I dreamed my hands in yours" will be updated tonight! On babysitting duty lool


Hi beautiful people!
           I was so happy that people were already liking my new story idea that I posted a little prologue right now and will be posting chapter 1 this weekend also in shaa Allaah.
          Usually I only post 1× week during the weekend, but I'm so excited about this new story idea!
          To anyone that is also reading my other story, you will notice soon that the same characters will pop up in both books.
          You will meet Juwayria in chapter 4 of "I dreamed my hand in Yours" and you will also meet Nurudin in a few later chapters as well.
          I'll try not to confuse you guys too much or reveal too much about the characters! 
          But I'm so excited... and very tired lol. Who else is struggling to sleep at night since quarantine??