VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING THIS ACCOUNT Hello guys. I may have mentioned in my one book that it will be moved to a different account. Change of plans. I am evacuating this account of most of my books. Author's Poetry, Friends With The Monsters, STNTA, along with any one shots books will be permanently deleted. My Little Sea has been unpublished from this account. Crybaby is the only book that will remain published, but it will likely not be updated often. This announcement will be deleted soon, as well. Long story short, this account's username was distributed among my classmates and... I don't exactly want it out. If you want to continue reading my books (like My Little Sea, it has two chapters ready to publish, but the book won't be here), please message me for the new account's username.

Hang on, I had no idea they moved accounts. Can anyone message me with their new acc??

I've just recently found you and I was wondering if I can get your new account so I scan follow you?

@musicaltrash95 The name had to be changed so certain people couldn't find it, but i'll gladly message you with the new username :)