this message may be offensive
Warning long ass paragraph and dandys world ppl..
Sometimes I wonder why I'm still in the dandys world fandom... I mean I do but... I- okay... I'll start from the beginning. Me and my friend sigewinnie were playing a run (it was a main hunt+long run) and uhm we made it to floor 13 or 15 idk... and so both me and sigwinnie died. And we both wanted to rerun... and soo.. uhm... we joined a server... and UHM... there a were a group of ppl.... and they were.... having an rp.. sort of... they were... getting on top of each other and saying... disgusting things to each other... like "Faster~ sprout~" "NGHHHH~" and etc. Obviously the first thing we did is that we confronted them and called them out saying that dandys world is a kids game (it is. Idk why the fuck they felt like they needed to do that... like bitch yk that LITTLE KIDS PLAY THAT GAME RIGHT???) Anyways I'm so fucking done with dandys world fandom atp and I'm sick and tired of the proships and weird ass ships (and to the proshippers- I hate you go die in a ditch and burn in hell. No I don't care if this is too far I DONT GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE.) AND THIS WASNT THE FIRST TIME EITHER LIKE HOLY SHIT IM SICK AND DISGUSTED RN... LIKE ITS A KIDS GAME FOR GODS SAKE AND WHATS WITH THE TOODLES AND PEBS SHIP??? ITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY- pls stop ruining the game for the kids AND us. Omg like bffr and u wonder why people think dandys world is a "WeRid GaMe" it's rlly not but the people who play it makes it a weird game. (Also they got reported, my friend reported them and I recorded so I could post on YT i need to figure out how to cover my username tho... i dont want anyone to send death threats and shit)
Sorry for the long ass paragraph I'm just so disgusted and confused... like why the hell do they feel like they need to do that. Like okay you glazers, we get it sprout is cool and hot but don't do weird things like. That...