this message may be offensive
‘ My blood is boiling, temper rising rapidly as I storm into the quad. Sneaking into this stupid place was bad enough, and will probably cost me an outburst, but I do not give a fuck.
“Hey!” I bark, stalking towards the prick sat with his bitchy girlfriend by his side.
He doesn’t get the chance to reply as I rear my fist back and sock it straight into his face. His girl gasps, screeching for me to fuck off, but that only fires me up more.
Fisting his collar, I drag his body towards me. “Your girlfriend so much as breathes in her direction again, and you’re a dead man. You hear me?”
I throw him back down onto his table, looking around at the canteen. Everyone is dead silent, watching me for my next move.
In the corner table she sits with her friends, eyes wide and mouth parted with shock as she watches me.
I throw her a quick wink, smacking the prick beside me once more before jogging back out, making a quick escape before anyone could stop me.
Breaking into a private school and beating a prick up? Not my brightest moment, but what can we do? ,