Hello! I just wanted to say Thank you so much for voting and supporting. It makes me happy that you decided to read my series this far. I noticed your a few books in and I was hoping I could get a little feed back. Anything you feel does or dosent work in the earlier books? Anything you feel about the story that could be cut out and or added too to make the story better? If you have any suggestions I would like to hear them please! Thank you.

@CrimmsonPetals Thank you for that positive feedback and I'm glad the story dosent feel too bloated or like it needs to be cut. That makes.me really happy! I am going to go back and edit the errors in the books and probably enlist an editor to help with misspellings and typoes. Thank you again. Cant wait to post more of the Tales soon. Have good day!

@CrimmsonPetals you are welcome it was honestly one of the best series I've read this year, this might be a little bit unhelpful but your book and writing is perfect but I find the dreams confusing sometimes and then some typos and that's all I really like the way the books are and I don't anything should be cut out. :))

I also love yaoi! I have a main series going called Tales of Shifter. I hope you can check it out! Thank you for the follow. Cant wait to hear you're thoughts.

@CrimmsonPetals You welcome! I literally just added the first book to my library It's my next read I kept seeing it in people's reading list and I liked the description