
@thankyouforthecarrot The one and only ;)


@ijustlove_brunomars omg girl it's lorena, I didn't know I followed you on here


Hi! I have a book called stardom a bruno mars love story and I would love for u to check it out and tell me what u think and I have a new book called find our girls a bruno mars abuse story so please check it out and tell me what u think.


Hey everybody ijustlove_brunomars here! Now that my story "Make A Wish" is over, I've decided to start a new story. It's one I posted on my Instagram about a year ago and it's probably my favorite of all my writings. So I revised it, and Im posting it on wattpad. Parts 1 and 2 are already up so go check it out! Also, I know a lot of you may have already read it so I just ask PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL THE ENDING. K bye :)