dude oml okay i know no one actually follows me on this acc but i dont have my phone back yet so i have to spill this here bUT OMG ANNIE AND ASHER BROKE UP WTHHHH like dude idk why they broke up but ik annie doesnt deserve the hate >:( i really really adored them so much cause you can see how much they love and care for each other :((( i just hope things work out for them and they date again cause man they were actually genuine wit their feelings huhu :(((((
dude oml okay i know no one actually follows me on this acc but i dont have my phone back yet so i have to spill this here bUT OMG ANNIE AND ASHER BROKE UP WTHHHH like dude idk why they broke up but ik annie doesnt deserve the hate >:( i really really adored them so much cause you can see how much they love and care for each other :((( i just hope things work out for them and they date again cause man they were actually genuine wit their feelings huhu :(((((