
hey y'all :)


@probsdad ! 
          	  whats  up  brother  ☝️


// okay. Im not used to short rp’s. But I will start small since you been gone so long. 
          The ravenette tapped his worn in combat boots. He sighed and grumbled as he waited in line at the cafe. The male before him was taking way too damn long in ordering his drink or food. Or whatever the hell he wanted. 
          “Oi. Hurry up brat.”
          He muttered. He wasn’t scared the other was taller than him. He was once in the military years before. He didn’t look it. But Levi was strong as hell. 


            “Trust me. You excited is a scene I don’t want to ever see.”
            He grumbled as he rolled his eyes. 
            “My name is of no concern to you. But if I had to guess yours. It would be ‘DouceBag’.”
            He ran his hand through his raven black hair as he waited for his tea. 
            “Like hell you make me nervous. You just annoy me.”
            Waitinf he eventually took the tea when it was ready. He did his best to ignore the doucebag besdie him as he stared at the hearts aroudn the stupid made up name. 
            “In your dreams.”
            He muttered before thanking the blonde as he turned his form and left the cafe without anofher word to the tall brunette. 


@-lost_Beautyy- # - ✎. . . 
            ❝  don't  get  me  excited  then.   not  cool,  man.  ❞   he'd  say  in  a  mocking  tone,   taking  a  cup  from  his  best  friend's  hand  the  moment  the  other  made  his  request.   
            ❝  you  seem  like  a  tea  guy.   real  dark  and  gloomy.   and  you  look  like..  a  vinny.   vincent—-  yeah.    that's  what  you  look  like.  ❞   with  that,  eren  would  write  the  name  on  '  vincent's  '  cup,   drawing  a  couple  hearts  next  to  it  as  well. 
            admittedly,  he  did  stare  the  moment  he  handed  the  cup  back  to  armin.   but  he  couldn't  help  it.    the  stranger  was  the  sudden  focal  point.    he'd  breathe  out  in  amusement,   ❝  do  i  make  you  nervous  ?  ❞  


            “Idiot. I didn’t mean sexually! You are far from my type you damn brat!”
            He grumbled as he got to finally see the counter and the usual blonde worker. 
            “What I normally get.”
            He muttered. He knew the blonde already knew he wanted to order black tea made from tea leave’s only. 
            “Shut up kid. Im not in my damn forties.”
            Hell no. He was mid thirties. And he looked damn good for his age. Especially with his under cut hairstyle. 
            Grabbing his wallet he was irritated as he felt eyes on him. 
            “Stop staring at me..”
            He hissed sending him a glare. 


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ..you talkin’ to me?


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ it really ain’t.   you need to check ya’ ego.       (   he turns away,   adjusting his gloves once again before eyeing one of the punching bags.   )       are we done here?


@somewarhero # - ✎. . . 
            aggressive,   but  sure.   ❝  i'm..  not  ?   i'm  just  saying  you  seem  like  you  could  put  up  a  fight.   it  is  a  compliment,  asshat.  ❞ 


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ (   who the hell does this guy think he’s talking to?   )       that ‘sposed to be a compliment?   don’t treat me like i’m a fan,   ion even know who the hell you are.


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ that’s not your food.


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ it’s in my damn bag.       (   despite the aggression in his words,   no emotion showed on his face.   he merely held his gun tight.   )


@zombiephobic # - ✎. . . 
            ❝  's  not  yours  either.  ❞ 