
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE END.


          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE MY WAR STORY:
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE END.
          .MY WAR STORY:
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE END.
          MY WAR STORY:
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE END.


          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE END.
           MY WAR STORY:
          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE END.


          back in November 2, 2001. I went through the most important mission of my life....called....BIRTH!!! I remember...I was inside a cave, soggy but soft....I had to sqeeze through a little opening...I remember the Two high ranking commanders...known as Doctor and Nurse assistant.....it was so bad...I cried when I reached the other side of the hole.
          THE END.