OKAY! So I’m really sorry for not updating my Unknown Drakness story. I’ve had a hectic year with everything going on and it’s starting to piss me off. School is starting up again in like 3 days and I’m gonna be starting my freshman year online (it truly sucks).
Anyways, it has come to my attention that people want Unknown Drakness to end in Gratsu. I was considering having it end in Natza but I will end it in Gratsu if it will make ya’ll happier.
I also changed the first A/N to a Prolouge bcuz I was inspired for once. And at the moment I’m in the process of writing Chp 22 and I’m gonna try to make it contain most of the next arc. I’m gonna try to update this story as much as I can this month, but every time I say that it never happens so don’t count on it too much lmao.
I was re-reading some of my chapters and I’m cringing bcuz I’m such a terrible writer! Anyways, tell me if you guys want the story to end in Natza or Gratsu so that I know whether or not to change the Natza parts.
That is all for now! Have a good day everyone!