
Friends, I will be revising "Sternward Realms" based on some early feedback. The big change: the voice will shift from 1st to 3rd person. Stay tuned!


A book I would suggest to be on a deserted island with would be "a separate peace" and "lord of the flies" possibly accompanied by "the divergent series" and "The void" . hope that helps as it seems we have the same taste in books!


Hi ilamont! Thank you so much for adding PAPER DRAGON to your reading list! I genuinely really appreciate it, it's a big help and very kind of you. 
          Interested that your bio says 'If I were INTENTIONALLY stranded on a desert island'. Never heard it phrased that way before. Makes it sound like you're planning ahead!
          Also, a big welcome to Wattpad. I've only been here a few weeks myself. The community here is lovely and really supportive. Make sure to drop by the Clubs (forums) if you haven't already. It's a great way to meet writers with similar taste.