Hi, I love both of your books! It’s beautifully written and I love how you captured another essence to Elijah. I was wondering if Adelia was in The Originals how you would write her? I was just curious especially in the fact Elijah has a romance with Hayley and your ideas on how it would work? :))
@typewriternotes I forgot to answer the first part of your question.
How would I write Adelia? Well she is not perfect. She is deeply involved with her work and life in Seattle so it might take precedence from time to time so expect another plotline going on with the stuff in NOLA. I have introduced new characters in Book 2 for the same reason. Her life doesn't revolve around the Mikaelsons. She chooses her battles wisely ;)
@typewriternotes Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Adelia will definitely be in The Originals. Elijah is not the type of guy who'd ever be disloyal to his wife of so many decades. I dislike it when he's made to cheat on his significant other since he'd never do that while he's in a relationship. So you can guess how his equation will Hayley will pan out :)
If you have any more queries, you can PM me, wouldn't want to give out potential spoilers ;)
Hii!! I LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE your story!! It was completely different and refreshing and I just love the new characters and loved the originals (wink wink) even more!!! THANK YOU FOR WRITING