I am deeply sorry for my lack of writing in over a month but I was having a busy summer and what not (not that I have friends or anything, because I don't) and right at the moment I have absolutely 0 free time due to the fact that I'm currently taking 4 AP classes and 2 GT. I'm definitely going to be trying to update and/or at least get something done on my next chapter this weekend because I miss writing dearly. Thanks for being so understanding and once again, I apologize, but school is one of my biggest priorities at the moment. I love you all so, so much! Please keep posted for updates or messages from yours truly.
P.S. AP stands for "Advanced Placement" and are college level classes offered in high school. GT stands for "Gifted and Talented" and are higher grade level classes, ie. if I'm in 11th grade and am taking GT English 11, then I'm taking a 12th grade class. Just wanted to clear that up because a lot of the school that my friends attend don't use those terms and therefore don't know what they mean!