Maybe have them at a work place. Daily life at work right, and there’s a meeting, they’re eyeing each other and what not and like when everyone is going home have the two “close up together” when in generality they’re going to be fucking in the work place.
I hate wattpad they fucking deleted my book. I literally worked my ass off on that book. You know how hard it is to make sex scenes off the top of your head. Anyways I'm fucking mad rn. Imma go cry later but oh well fuck it. Fml and fuck wattpad. Anyways thanks for the support. Should I make a new book? Oh well bye guys.
Yo people are so fucking soft on wattpad. Like if the book says smut and you feel uncomfortable dont fucking flag it bitch. People work hard on that book. Shit man dont report it if its too much for you. Just because YOU are not comfortable doesnt mean you have to ruin EVERYONE ELSES wanking time. Man fuck outta here go to pornhub and watch their bland shit. Bitch you soft if you cant wank off to literotica. Bitch bye. And for people that fucking request dont rush the fucking author so much. A girl tried me and I didnt do it. I told her to take her request and shove it. Remember you are asking for the request. The author wants it to be nice and neat for you the reader. They want others to enjoy the chapter/request. Just dont pester the author everyday to see if they are done. Writing a smut chapter oroneshot doesnt take 30 mins or an hour to write. It takes at least a day. We aren't going to start it right away...we have lives.
But anyways hope u enjoyed my rant thank you. See yall around :)