Your Dua will come true. Yes, that specific Dua you've been making for so long. Have full confidence that Allah will answer it, and it will become a reality. Keep doing Istighfar. If you feel like you've been making Dua for a long time without seeing progress or signs, don't think that Allah is punishing you or that He won't grant it to you. Trust that Allah is putting all the pieces of the puzzle together in the most beautiful way. Every piece holds goodness, even if we can't comprehend it yet. The delay is a blessing. If you feel like giving up. don't. Allah allowed you to read this message as a reminder. Don't feel sad. Remind yourself every day that your Dua will come true, no matter how many obstacles you've faced. Keep in mind that Satan wants you to give up on your Dua. Ignore his whispers, be patient, and believe with full certainty that it will become a reality. Allah is capable of everything.