Episode 6. Day In The Life. My phone is so messed up and my parents are stuck on the fact that i shouldn't get one because it wouldn't feel right for their daughter to have a newer phone than them. That doesnt even make sense my phone is BROKEN wtf do you expect me to do. Fix it for the 50th time. If i fix my phone it would cost the same price as a new phone because I need a new battery, new screen and more things fixed that are in the interior of my phone. At this point they are just doing this purposely because he said if i get certain grades i could get it I got those grades and still no new phone. This is complete bullshi. And they are also like i want my phone so i can watch tiktok and junk. Yall dont even let me have tiktok. Like yall are so controlling and dont even realize it. I have the money for a new phone and they refuse to let me get one.

Should I give an update on how my life is going? Imma do it either way but i wanna know if i have active followers

it’s really these spam pages following and unfollowing me

Episode 5. Day In My Life. Today has been a terrible day. I lost all of my close friends that I talk to every day. I have cried for hours already and now I finally know what to do with myself. I realized instead of crying I should share my feelings with my followers. I know my followers have gone down a ton. After I was friend dumped, I hated myself. I still do. I lost friends in the past and it never hurt this bad. I hated myself and I felt as if I always ruin good things that I have going on for myself. Throughout, the whole friendship breakup thing I was trying to cover up my pain with laughter. I realized that is something I do often. My parents not wanting to be together, Me not being able to play volleyball, just stuff that has happened this month. I needed someone to talk to when I realized that I lost almost all the people I could trust. It hit me. The pain of me damaging my own life hit me. The one person that I was still friends with and I could trust with this information hasn't texted or called me in a month. I sabotaged my own life and it hurts. If you read this thanks alot. Writing this helped me somehow.

Episode 4. Day In My Life. It’s been awhile since i made one of these. So my parents had took away TikTok from me and my brother because of something that happened. I didn’t really care. They let us have it for the last week of summer. So Today i was laugh at something. And my mom said “Now I see why this whole TikTok thing ain’t work” I ignored it. And I went to the bathroom and started bawling my eyes out. Cause everything I do on my phone is a issue to them. I could be talking on the phone with my phone and my mom is like “lemme see your phone” for no reason. When I take pictures it’s a problem. My brother and I are supposed to get our phone out in their room at 9. I always put it in on time. My brother never puts his phone in their room. At nights where I slip up and forget to put it in at 9 and it turns 9:04 or something they call me and are like why didn’t you turn in your phone when my brothers isn’t even in their room. Last night my phone was in their room but i had to text my cousin something abt our plans. And they walk in the room and are like it’s past 9 why are you on the phone. And i was like Jayden has his phone in his room rn and your worried abt why i’m on the phone. And my friends are acting like i’m being dramatic or some junk but my parents act like this all the time and i can’t say nothing cause it would be disrespectful. They make me feel like i’m a disappointment or some junk

Thx for following me. ✌️peace out!

Episode 3. Day In My Life. My phone has been broken for about a week. And I mean BROKEN. So I have had this phone for about 4+ years. I asked my dad what he is going to do and he said get it fixed. This would be the third time it has been fixed. My mom originally wanted to get me a new phone but of course my dad said no. My dad previously cracked his iPhone XR and he got a new one the day of and shipped the other one to the AT&T company. so I'm mad about that. And the guy that I was previously talking about in episode 2, he started talking to me more and touching me and junk but I know he still doesn't like me cause that is just how he is as a person so yeah. My life is f*cked up.

Episode 2. Day In My Life. Oh y'all are going to love this one. This guy that liked me asked me out through text. And you know Wattpad raised the bar for me so I thought that it was good enough. I said I would talk to him the next day about it at school. Well he didn't show up. Lmao. And he didn't show up until last week and he ignored me. This week My friends told him i liked him. After my friends told him, he flirted with like 15 other girls in my face. I didn't say anything and I just continued talking to my friends. Well, today I heard the AMAZING NEWS (sarcasm) that he doesn't like me anymore cause I keep him waiting and he has other hoes now. But the thing is my friend told the guys brother (that is my teacher. Favorite teacher) and his brother said " I mean you can't blame him you kept him waiting for a month." I am ready to cry cause I like this dude way too much for my liking. He plays basketball and volleyball, he is funny and overall amazing. I'm so pissed at myself. And all of my friends are like "he doesn't like you anymore what is the point." And im just like "You dont understand he isn't just any guy. He is boyfriend material."

Episode 1. Day In My Life. Today I had a mental breakdown. I was playing volleyball and I couldn't serve the ball over the net. I was pissed and frustrated cause we are learning something new and I cant serve. So I start crying in front of the whole team. THE WHOLE TEAM. And the coach pulled me aside and was like speak your mind and I started talk and he was like "It's ok all of the girl have different weaknesses. you know you can serve. you do it all the time and when you mess up you make sure you let me and the whole team know that you get it over." And he told me to go to the bathroom and wash my face. I have this whole situation with this dude that I am friends with and we have yet to solve our drama and I have my Alegbra EOC next week so I am just so stressed out. I just wanted to let someone know so I don't really care if no one reads this.