Wow, it's been a while.
First off, I'm sorry for the lack of activity. I kind of forgot about writing, had no ideas...
The good thing is, I started again! So far I have two stories I'm excited about and they're going pretty well, so hopefully I'll restart posting this summer.
To give you a bit of insight, one is an original story, inspired (a bit) by an anime I watched some time ago. The other one is a Haikyuu!! AU because I write fanfiction, I can't just ditch the whole genre like that.
Second off, I made an Ao3 (Archive of Our Own) account. It would mean the world to me if you guys followed me there (acc is abiblixphxbic). I'm going to post my stories there as well, I feel like more people would read them.
Cât despre "Obliviate" și continuarea mult promisă... Inițial am avut o idee vagă despre cum ar trebui să meargă cartea, dar cu timpul mi-am schimbat opiniile. M-am decis asupra unui nou fir narativ, deși nu știu cât de repede voi reuși să-l scriu - partea bună e că e totul pe hârtie, îmi trebuie doar motivație.
So, I'm probably going to start posting soon. Until then, stay safe and thank you for the recent likes and views ❤