Hey Everyone.
I wanted to talk about something a bit serious in case you haven't heard about it yet. Pride month is in a few days and as many of you know, I am Pan and Non-binary. But there is something terrible that is said to happen on the first of June. It's called Opperation Pridefall. A bunch of Homophobic, transphobic, racist people are going to be targeting LGBT+ Members on social media and in person.
I want everyone to be as safe as possible, so please please please be extra careful everywhere, and don't open Dm's from people you don't trust. They're going to be sending videos of gay people getting r*ped, m*rdered, and b*aten.. So please watch out and don't interact with those people. They will target you.
This is a super scary time, so please be safe and don't hesitate to contact me if you need to. I love you guys.