
"What did you figure out?" I asked, as I rolled onto my side to face her.
          	A car drove by the window then, briefly lighting up her freckled face with a flash of white. As soon as it was gone, my eyes tried to readjust to the blinding darkness. Slowly, her features began to appear again; the outline of her lips, the glow of her eyes.
          	"I have figured out that we are no different than Cynthia Brunswick's bottle," Violet insisted. 
          	"How so?" I asked, pulling myself upright into a seated position like hers.
          	Violet adjusted her hair quickly, flipping her golden curls from the left side of her face to the right. A stray curl flopped over onto her face and settled just between her hazel eyes. "We're all messages in bottles, just waiting to be opened. We're all vessels carrying these crazy secrets and deep-rooted beliefs that we don't share. We lock them up, seal them as tight as possible, and send them far, far away. Only sometimes does somebody find them and care enough to open us up, to understand what we have written inside. It's insane, kinda, how you've managed to crack open Cynthia's bottle and find her all the way out here. I only wish somebody would do the same for me."
          	She said the last part quietly, so quietly that I wouldn't have heard it if I weren't straining to hear her every word as though it were her last. It was these moments, when she was vulnerable and real and conspiratorial and philosophical and oh-so adorable that I realised I had fallen head over heels for her, and there was nothing more in the world that I wanted than to just kiss her.
          	But I didn't, of course.
          	"That's genius," was all I said.
          	"Thanks," Violet said, as she wrapped her arms around her knees and hugged them to her chest. "By the way, I'm really glad everything worked out with you and Jocelyn. I'm happy for you." She smiled the brightest, happiest smile I'd ever seen.
          	In that moment, I believed her, because that was the thing with Violet; even her fakest of smiles was convincing.


"What did you figure out?" I asked, as I rolled onto my side to face her.
          A car drove by the window then, briefly lighting up her freckled face with a flash of white. As soon as it was gone, my eyes tried to readjust to the blinding darkness. Slowly, her features began to appear again; the outline of her lips, the glow of her eyes.
          "I have figured out that we are no different than Cynthia Brunswick's bottle," Violet insisted. 
          "How so?" I asked, pulling myself upright into a seated position like hers.
          Violet adjusted her hair quickly, flipping her golden curls from the left side of her face to the right. A stray curl flopped over onto her face and settled just between her hazel eyes. "We're all messages in bottles, just waiting to be opened. We're all vessels carrying these crazy secrets and deep-rooted beliefs that we don't share. We lock them up, seal them as tight as possible, and send them far, far away. Only sometimes does somebody find them and care enough to open us up, to understand what we have written inside. It's insane, kinda, how you've managed to crack open Cynthia's bottle and find her all the way out here. I only wish somebody would do the same for me."
          She said the last part quietly, so quietly that I wouldn't have heard it if I weren't straining to hear her every word as though it were her last. It was these moments, when she was vulnerable and real and conspiratorial and philosophical and oh-so adorable that I realised I had fallen head over heels for her, and there was nothing more in the world that I wanted than to just kiss her.
          But I didn't, of course.
          "That's genius," was all I said.
          "Thanks," Violet said, as she wrapped her arms around her knees and hugged them to her chest. "By the way, I'm really glad everything worked out with you and Jocelyn. I'm happy for you." She smiled the brightest, happiest smile I'd ever seen.
          In that moment, I believed her, because that was the thing with Violet; even her fakest of smiles was convincing.


Eek!! Phoenix Ascending got 2nd Place in The Spring Awards!! 
          This is *nuts* guys, thank you for all the support!! I can't describe how overjoyed and excited I am that my book is receiving all these honours and prizes -- it's unreal. Thank you so much!! 
          @PurpleGirl847 @DiabolikDemons @foreverwisegirl


Congrats you deserve it!


          Phoenix Ascending just won the Hidden Ge-ms Monthly Writing Awards for April 2017!! 
          I am honestly in disbelief -- thank you so so much to @KellyGe for this!! <33 
          All of you should go enter for this month, they're still accepting entries. x