For those wondering, this is why I've been inactive;
Ever since Avi left PTX (May 12), I've been slightly more depressed than usual. That, plus my decision in December to *plot plot plot* making me write that part currently, has been kinda getting me a bit down. On Thursday, something happened, and since then (a week ago), I've been overly depressed to the point of not even getting out of bed, binge-eating, mild self harm, and some other unhealthy actions. Now when I listen to PTX or look at their photos, I see these unthinkably talented, successful people who all look absolutely amazing and are so comfortable and confident in their skin, while I see myself as a fat, untalented, useless person. I've been loosing my ability to draw, I got 80% on a math test (math and art, those are my two strong points), and I've just felt so different and unhappy.
When I go to school, I've been doing my best to put up a facade, which has been both mentally and emotionally draining. I couldn't even consider the idea of continuing to write a book with *plot plot plot*.
Anyways, I'm gonna stop here. I've had a good day today which is why I'm (I guess) reactivating my Wattpad. I'll think about Instagram but... It's not really the best place for me to go right now, all I see are smiling faces and I wonder why I can't be happy with myself.
Just thought you guys deserved to know. I'm so sorry for letting my personally life affect my book.
Love y'all so much,