
New chapters of Sunlit Moonrise are out now! Go and read them to catch up on what's going on in the Five Kingdoms of Patrinis!


Thank you so much for the follow and your support. I hope you enjoy reading my books. 


No worries! I hope you will end up checking out my book if you have the time- I’m new here so it doesn’t have many reads and not many ARMYs know about it! Thanks for your message and I’m excited for the boys to come back this year ☺️


Thanks for the follow✨️
          Can u check out my book?


@Approachableperson No worries! Sure, I will! If you wouldn't mind checking out mine too? It's also a MYG story :)


Chapter 7 & 8 of Sunlit Moonrise are now up! Please check them out as they are my favourite so far and it's really where the plot starts getting interesting! If you've only read Chapter 1 with the pictures you really are missing out on the story!


Hi lovely, I happened to open Wattpad today and oh my goodness, your message truly made my week. You got right to the very thing that matters the most to me about my writing - inspiring others to fall more in love with their own writing (or reading), and creating a space for all of you to enjoy the journey in a fictional world ❤️ I am so happy you were able to feel that way, and congratulations on your book and the writing you’ve been able to accomplish!! Very happy for you and wishing you the best on your writing endeavors! Thank you again for such a kind message, it really did mean so much :)


@Hoseokiiss OMG! Thank you so much for your reply and I'm glad I made you feel as happy as you did through your writing. And thank you so much for adding my story to your reading list, it means the world! <3


Hey, I responded to your request for beta reading. I just finished and have some feedback put together.


@tomtom__00 Hi! This is the first time I have had a beta reader give me such in-depth feedback, so thank you for all of this! This was really insightful, and while I may not act on all of it as I am not attempting to write a publishable novel here, I am just writing for fun, some of this will definitely help in the development of my characters in future chapters!


That's all I got. I hope this is helpful and if any of it is, I would love to know what parts were!


A few parts are overexplained:
            For example, take when King Min tells people he's repairing the damaged outpost and at the same time, he also explains his plan to attribute the repairs to Aine. It's enough to just have him tell his people to repair the tower without a stated reason. We can draw our own conclusions initially about why he would want the tower back up and running. Then later we can learn it was his plan to say Aine restored the tower with her powers as a Goddess when he tells his people it was her doing.