
Chapter 1 is almost done for the new book!!!! ^_^ I won't publish the book until about like 3-5 chapters are done though, so people have more to read while I write more chapters lol
          	I hope y'all will enjoy it I'm actually so excited for this new book !!!
          	Anyways byebye now mwuah love you guys :3


Chapter 1 is almost done for the new book!!!! ^_^ I won't publish the book until about like 3-5 chapters are done though, so people have more to read while I write more chapters lol
          I hope y'all will enjoy it I'm actually so excited for this new book !!!
          Anyways byebye now mwuah love you guys :3


Omg hihihi :3 So I'm back--I think.. hopefully. I was up late last night and thought of a book idea I really liked and I wrote it down, made some ideas and stuff and I'm going to make a book for it! Now, I'm not sure at the moment what exactly I'll be doing about TMM but FIR now I'm gonna focus on the new book! :D


Hiii, I'm back! (Maybe) I might just restart the whole "The Mythical Mazes" book, or start a whole new book entirely. I'll let you guys know when I decide. Like usual, I won't always be able to update or write regularly because I'm busy with school and studying.. but I'll try to update more often than I used to:)! I might write on AO3 too so I can get more readers. Not sure.
          ~ Kenji


Hello, hello!!! I finally got chapter six done! :D
          I published it, and I will start working on chapter seven later or when I have the time. We are getting closer and closer to the goodies! (like the monster chases and stuff!)
          Have a lovely day<33
          ~ Kenji:)