
UPDATE: Andrew's been in Japan for about 5-6 weeks now, and I guess he's doing fine. I don't really know, bc I haven't heard anything from Mamas or Aunt Missy... He got deployed, (he's still in the base, right now, though), after he got married..


2 more months until he's home with his wife and daughter.


          Hi there! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for adding my story, “The Queen’s Heart” to your list! 
          I really hope you enjoy reading along as much as I enjoy writing it. While you’re reading, if you’d like to add any comments/votes as you read, I would very greatly appreciate it! It is always encouraging to see them, and it motivates me to continue writing!
          Thank you again, I really appreciate you taking the time to read it.
          Stay tuned, Chapter 23 will be posted very soon!


Hi! Thanks for the follow (o^^o)


@FandomPandaLoves I PM'd you. I'll be back, I just have to go devour a Cookies & Cream Mickey bar, so don't go anywhere.. You should try one, though, they're so GOOD!


@FandomPandaLoves Those are good. My favorites are Halloween, Easter, and I also like Thanksgiving, (bc it's family AND food, duh), it's really the ONLY one, (besides Christmas, that is), that both my Dad's side and my Mom's side get together. Bc Dad's side lives on the southside of Indy, & we're near Mom's side, (we moved a few months ago to the northside, so in June, or July, I can't remember).. Did I mention I LOVE Christmas time?


            Maybe a bit before thanksgiving.... not sure. XD
            I think my favorite holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving and sure, you could pm me


UPDATE: Andrew's been in Japan for about 5-6 weeks now, and I guess he's doing fine. I don't really know, bc I haven't heard anything from Mamas or Aunt Missy... He got deployed, (he's still in the base, right now, though), after he got married..


2 more months until he's home with his wife and daughter.


Does anyone know how to speak Italian? I want to learn, but can't get a plane ticket to travel out of the states, plus my parents work and I have 4 younger siblings, so one of my parents need to watch them. I've always wanted to visit Italy and Sicily, though....