
          	It's honestly so hard for me to believe that you guys truly enjoy my writing, but I'm so glad that you do!!!
          	Thank y'all so much!! Should I drop a special chapter to celebrate??


Sooo i finished editing Twilight (previously lotus)
          I added a few more chapters and made some things a bit more interesting. (thats the only way ik how to describe it)
          would you guys rather i publish all twenty chapters now? or should publish them gradually so you have time to reread.
          I don’t mind either :))


will u guys be mad at me if i say i wanna edit lotus again… this totally isnt the fourth time :))
          no srsly tho, ive been noticing some slight plotholes that are really ticking me off. And the way i write y/n now is completely different from the way i wrote her in the beginning, and not in a character-development type of way. Her character just abruptly changed at one point, lmao.
          if i were to edit (i am), i wouldnt change the plot cs i think thats pretty solid, i would only make tiny alterations to conversations and such.
          love, bri <3 (dont hate me)


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currently grieving the losses of some of the greatest smut ffs ever
          idk if u guys read this, but that one Sanemi profesor x student book??? bro im telling u it was so fucking good like.. i only realized it got deleted like a month ago n it broke my heart
          Then this one daisuke x secretary reader where they fucked in italy and then on the plane back. that book changeddd meee
          done, gonna go cry.
          (if yall find these on ao3 or ANYWHERE. please share )


Just published a new fic!!
          I released the intro chapter simply because I wanted you all to see what it was about before I really started writing. Considering that I have three other books, it’s going to be on the back-burner for a bit. 
          I’m pretty much finished writing Sorry, and the last chapter will be out by the end of summer (if i continue updating once a week). Lotus is also nearing its end. This gives me tons of time during the summer to focus on rewriting Red, and starting up Young & Dumb.