ahaaa jess my lovee/wifeee . you made 2019 such a good year and i know towards the end i got inactive but i promise you that you were always in my mind and i constantly thought of how you were doing and all . sorry for the neglect babes ): . i hope i become more active as 2020 progresses and i’ll a l w a y s love you and i mean it ! you’re one of the best things that happened to me and i really do hope you stay in my life (: . i look forward to calling you constantly and hopefully meeting you one day ! i know ill cherish and never forget that day . love you jess ❤️
@ihyhrs ; ill set up my cana account this weekend too ! i can’t wait for their reunion ! just message me when you’re finish (((((: teehee i’ll take that in note babess <3 and thank you ! season ended a while ago but we ended it in an amazing game ! you too love (: <33333
@empresss- @empresss- lemme set up his account this weekend, just for you babes )); i'll definitely look forward to their bittersweet, more so sweet c;, reunion hehe. omg, i'll do just the same for you babes. if you ever need someone to talk to or just a friend, i'm here! i hope your volleyball team is doing well xx have a great one fairy <3333
@ihyhrs ,, ahaa awe ❤️❤️ and yes let 2020 be the year fairy and acno reunite ! i’ll be looking forward to that lovee ! you deserve so much more than the world can give . heck i’d buy the whole universe for you . i’ll always be there to cheer you on for everything & anything ! soft hours will forever be open for you ❤️❤️